Ty's Adventure Logo

A few days shy of 30...

Tyler Phillips

Ty’s Adventure doesn’t serve a direct purpose for me. There’s no underlying monetization strategy, there’s no end of year goals, there’s nothing but…

Thoughts, stories, ideas, and passions. Ty’s Adventure is something I’ve had in the back on my mind as a “one day” idea. “One day I’ll make a blog and just document whatever I’m interested in that day, and hopefully I’ll have a series of referral points in 40 years.” Well, that “one day” is today. Just barely over 2 days until I turn 30 and I’m ready to start this journey.

I have a few things I’m really really passionate about. Our planet, nature, traveling, and sometimes business. I’m excited to share the endless pool of those things with you here. And I hope to inspire you to dive deeper into what makes you tick and what gives you purpose.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!



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